Thursday 17 July 2008

Cheryl again......

Forgot another thing... once you have had your surgery, don't be alarmed to see your ear "stick" out. Mine is certainly sticking out now, but not much. It will gradually go back to its normal position. This is from them pulling the ear over during surgery so they could insert the implant, etc. Nice thought, eh? :)

It is normal:

* for your operated ear to stick out a bit
* to have slight brusing around your eyes
* to have slight swelling of the face on the operated side
* to have change in taste on the same side of your tongue that your ear was operated
* to have slight numbness of the ear and face on the side of the operation (not paralysis)

I have/had all of them. The bruising around my eyes and behind the ear is slowly disappearing. Swelling has gone down. The top of my ear is still numb and drinks of any kind, such as water, pop, juice, etc., still taste funny to me. All will gradually go away.

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