Wednesday, 13 August 2008

August 12th Mapping Session

Visited Heather on August 12th at 2:30 p.m. and we discussed on how I did for the past couple of weeks. I have told her I am hearing alot of high pitched sounds and she reduced this for me. Boosted up the loudness of the processor and I am to follow the same steps again - switch #1, #2, #3 again until August 28th, which is my next appointment. That was it. My own appointment time took all of like 15 or 20 minutes.

Raymond had difficulty with the loop system and Heather changed the program on switch #2 and #3. Raymond is to try them at home to see how things go, and so far, he loves switch #3 which is "aux only with T-Coil", all background is cut off. Finally we got it! We have a loop system at home and tried it with the TV and as well as the stereo... he really LOVES it. Next is to try the church loop system this Sunday.

For the last two or three days, Raymond was hearing noises in his processor and it was discovered that his T-Mic was either dirty or had moisture inside it. Tried another one and it worked just fine. Lucky we have two T-Mics he can rotately use once in a while.

Most importantly of all, if you had humidity problems with your hearing aid, then it is likely you "may" have humidity problems with your CI. You should be putting your CI and T-Mic into the "Dri-Aid" nightly. That will help alot.

There are several kinds of Dri-Aids, this picture above is just one of the examples.

Back to me, Heather made some changes to my processor after I explained what I was hearing too much of. It sounded great in the audiology office and it sounded great while Heather and Raymond was talking.

As I left the office, it still sounded great. Watched TV for a while, no problems at all. Today, oh, it is a different story. Maybe I explained the sound to Heather in the wrong way. Maybe I should have not said "high pitched" sounds, instead I should have said, "loud noises that really echo". I find it a real challenge to describe these sounds and getting the point across.

Today, the noises really comes to me really high, even the vehicles driving by my house. I don't know....needless to say, I am a little frustrated today. Maybe that is part of the process and I will need to have patience and ride it out until my next appointment on August 28th.

With this changes to my processor, I am even more nervous in going back to work on Monday the 18th. More new sounds and more people around. We'll see how that goes.

We learned something new from Heather yesterday, is to keep checking the headpiece area of our head to ensure there are no rash or irritations. If there is, just simply get a piece of gauze and put your headpiece over it (over your implant). If there is a redness or worse than that, put polysporin on it, then gauze over it and then headpiece over it. If it is alot worse than that, go see your CI doctor.

Tomorrow will be 6 weeks ago I had the surgery, and today is exactly 8 months ago Raymond had his second CI surgery. (Read earlier posts on why he had the second CI).

Soon, I think I will head over to the public library to see if they have any children's "Read-along" books with a CD so I could practice reading and listening at the same time. I am told this is a great exercise.

Until next time.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Cheryl and Ray for allowing me to witness this very special moment.

On a certain level I understood that we all take our ability to hear for granted.

I will not ever forget however the smile on Chery's face when her implant was activated and the moment she realized she could hear herself breathing.

The generosity of spirit in sharing this story will help others considering this option and helps me to talk to people about the need to support the very important work being done by Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Centres.

Kimberly Carter
Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Foundation