Arrival at the audiologist's, Heather Maessen, office in Halifax (I am no small fry and who cares):

Heather getting my headpiece ready:

Putting the processor behind my ear:

Headpiece goes on:

Listening attentively to Heather's explanations:

Turning on the mapping program on computer:
Explains further what I will expect to hear:
Chatting away as usual to Raymond and Kim:
Hearing for the first time!:
Freaked over the sound of my voice:

The mapping on the computer:

Heather saying the "days of the week" behind a folder and I got 6 out of 8 correct!:
Me listening to Heather saying the days of the week:

Going through the Harmony kit which I was given:

Heather and me :)

Raymond and I with our wee purses for our batteries:

Raymond, Kimberly Carter - CEO of Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Foundation and myself:
Just outside at Gatsby's Pizza Pub on Spring Garden Road - can't even tell I am wearing the CI:
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